"TT-Tracks©" - Tillig Road Bed Track

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The Tillig Bedding track is inspired by Kato Unitrack but is not made by Kato. Tillig buys UniJoiners in bulk from Kato and manufacturers their own track.
As the Tillig Road bed track has a few quirks this page will talk about the track components and how they go together.

Track pieces

Track Pieces
Straight Track
The original Bedding track is modelled with gray concrete ties. Everything is now also available with brown ties. Not all of the Brown Tie items are listed below.
83701 BG 1 166.0 mm Straight Track
The BG 1 track piece is the standard straight track. Three BG 1 less 1mm is the length of a standard straight module - 497mm or ~ 19 9/16"
83702 BG 2 83.0 mm Straight Track (1/2)
One half of a BG 1 straight track piece.
. I have been using a BG2 cut in half on the joining edges of modules that use flex track for the main lines. Remove the track from the BG2 before cutting it in half. After the BG2 half pieces have been glued down, run the flex track rail to the module edge.
83703 BG 4 41.5 mm Straight Track (1/4)
One quarter of a BG 1 straight track piece.
83704 BG 5 36.5 mm Straight Track
BG 5 (and BG 3) are used to correct the geometry problems caused by a crossover.
83705 BG 3 43.0 mm Straight Track
BG 3 (and BG 5) are used to correct the geometry problems caused by a crossover.
The various straight pieces.
 Straight Track Pieces
. Bedding track has now been released with brown wood ties.
83712 BG 1 166.0 mm Straight Track Brown
83713 BG 2 83.0 mm Straight Track (1/2) Brown
83714 BG 3 43.0 mm Straight Track Brown
83715 BG 4 41.5 mm Straight Track (1/4) Brown
83716 BG 5 36.5 mm Straight Track Brown
83721 BG5kre 36.5mm Straight Compensated for Right Branch of turnout.
 RH Turnout Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83727 BG5kre 36.5mm Straight Compensated for Right Branch of turnout - Brown
83722BG5kle 36.5mm Straight Compensated for Left Branch of turnout.
 LH Turnout Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83728 BG5kre 36.5mm Straight Compensated for Right Branch of turnout - Brown.
83740 BG 1 Straight Road Bed Track (166.0 mm) with Filter Capacitor
! One of these comes with each train set.
Before using one of these on a DCC equipped display, remove the filter capacitor. It will short out the DCC signal if you are using DCC.
There is no reason to purchase one of these separately.
83741 BG 1 Straight Road Bed Track (166.0 mm) with Filter Capacitor - Brown
! The same note applies as for the 83740.
Curved Track
The original Bedding track is modelled with gray concrete ties.
83706 BR 21 353mm/30 Degree Curved Track (13.9" Radius)
83707BR 22 353mm/15 Degree Curved Track
BR 2x is the outside curve on the small corner modules.
83709BR 11 310mm/30 Degree Curved Track (12.2" Radius)
83710 BR 12 310mm/15 Degree Curved Track
BR 1x is the inside radius used on the small corner modules.. This sharp curve does not lend itself well to longer North American equiment.
83770 BR 31 396mm/30 Degree Curved Track (15.675" Radius)
83771BR 32 396mm/15 Degree Curved Track
Used on Medium corners as the outer main.
Bedding track is now available with brown ties.
83717BR 21 353mm/30 Degree Curved Track (13.9" Radius) Brown
83718BR 22 353mm/15 Degree Curved Track Brown
83719BR 11 310mm/30 Degree Curved Track (12.2" Radius) Brown
83720BR 12 310mm/15 Degree Curved Track Brown
83780BR 31 396mm/30 Degree Curved Track (15.675" Radius) Brown
83778BR 32 396mm/15 Degree Curved Track. Brown
There is no BR 4x curved piece but if it existed it would be 439mm. (17.28" Radius). This can be made with flex track. Used on large corners as the inner main.
There is no BR 5x curved piece but if it existed it would be 482mm. (19" Radius). This can be made with flex track. Used on Large corners as the outer main.
There is no BR 6x curved piece but if it existed it would be 525mm. (20.6" Radius). This can be made with flex track. Used on the station corner as the outside passing track.
Additional concentric curves would be:
  • BR 7x - 568mm - ~ 22.3"
  • BR 8x - 605mm - ~ 23.8"
  • BR 9x - 648mm - ~ 25.5
  • BR 10x - 691mm - ~ 27.2"
  • BR 11x - 734mm - ~ 28.9"
  • BR 12x - 777mm - ~ 30.6"
These would all be made from flex track.
83723 BR 22 Right Curved Road Bed Track R353mm/15deg Curve Right From Points.  RH Turnout Curved Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83729 BR 22 Right Curved Road Bed Track R353mm/15deg Curve Right From Points - Brown.
83724 BR 22 Left Curved Road Bed Track R353mm/15deg Curve Left From Points.  LH Turnout Curved Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83730 BR 22 Right Curved Road Bed Track R353mm/15deg Curve Right From Points - Brown.
83725 BR 12-22K Right Curved Road Bed Track R310 up to 353mm/15deg.  RH Turnout Curved Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83731 BR 12-22K Right Curved Road Bed Track R310 up to 353mm/15deg - Brown.
83726 BR 12-22K Left Curved Road Bed Track Compensator Piece 353mm/15deg.  LH Turnout Curved Track Adaptor Image from Tillig.
83732 BR 12-22K Left Curved Road Bed Track Compensator Piece 353mm/15deg - Brown.
Diagrams on how these special pieces are used can be found in the Tillig Gleis-Katalog (Track Catalog).
83816Manual Right Hand Turnout
Standard 15degree angle turnout, equivalent radius R22 (353mm)
 Standard RH Turnout  Geometry of 83816 RH Turnout
Images from Tillig.
83817Manual Left Hand Turnout
83818Remote Right Hand Turnout
83819Remote Left Hand Turnout
The 15 degree turnouts are equivalent to a #3.9. Much too sharp for anything but short equipment. Longer equipment will work at slower speeds but does not look too good.
Tillig makes other 15 degree turnouts: a three-way switch, a double slip switch, and a double crossover. Like the 15 degre turnouts these are too sharp for anything but slow speed operation and shorter equipment.
83861Right Hand Curved Turnout
Curved right hand turnout: radiuses BR11 (310mm) and 631mm /15 degree (about a BR18.5).
 Curved RH Turnout  Geometry of 83816 Curved RH Turnout
Images from Tillig.
83862Left Hand Curved Turnout
The Tillig 15 degree turnouts 83816-83819 and 83861 and 83862, are deprecated now that Kuehn has released a good #6 turnout. They should be removed from Mainline use and limited to slow speed industrial areas.
Tilling in their Advanced Track system, make 12 degree turnouts. Although these are not as nice as the Keuhn 10 degree turnouts, these are quite useable. They need a groung throw or switch machine to operate.
83331 EW2 right points 12 degree.
 Tillig 12 degree turnout
83332 EW2 left points 12 degree.
 Tillig 12 degree turnout
Misc Pieces
83700Bumper Track
83758Switching Track - Discontinued
8376015 Degree Crossing
83801Uncoupling Track 83mm
83950Rail Joiners (20)
83951Rail Joiner with Solder tab (10)
83952Insulated Rail Joiners (20)
83960Switch Machine for Roadbed Track
83961End Track - ends in ballast, no Bumper
Not really a track piece but usefull
Kuehn Code 70 Track
The new Kuehn 10 degree turnouts. (image from Kuehn).
 Kuehn 10 degree turnouts
72640 Turnout left, 10 degree, WL10
72641Turnout right, 10 degree, WR10
These new Kuehn 10 Degree turnouts (very close to a #6) are the new standard Mainline Turnout. They look good and operate well. The points have a spring like Peco turnouts so you can operate them without a switch machine.
72110 Short 10 Degree R1 Curved Track Pieces
72710 Power Connector, attaches to straight track
72720 Rail Joiner for Kuehn Track
72722 Stepped Rail Joiners to join Kuehn track to Tillig Bedding Track
72730 Insulated Rail Joiners for Kuehn Track
The various Kuehn straight pieces.
 Kuehn Straight Track Pieces
71640 640 mm Flex Track
Kuehn also make various sizes of curved sectional track (R1 and R2), 20 degree turnouts and curved turnouts. The track is a nice dark brown color.
The track is available from Zeuke or direct from Kuehn.
Useful items from the Kato N-Scale Unitrak Line
24-815UniJoiner [20 pcs]
24-816Insulated UniJoiner [20 pcs]
24-818Terminal UniJoiner, 35" Leads [1 pair]
24-000Rerailer & UniJoiner Tool [1 pc]
The UniJoiner Tool is useful for removing UniJoiners. The rerailer is of no use unless you split it down the centre and add styrene to widen it to TT Gauge. See ideas page.
Publications of Interest
9548TT Track Plans Vol 1 (CD-ROM)
9549TT Track Plans Vol 2 (CD-ROM)
9588Track Catalog for TT, HO and N
9589TT Scale Catalog 2010-2011
9601Track Plans for HO-TT-N
9627TT Spare Parts Catalog

Hand Laid Track
Hand laid track is possible in TT-SCale.
Fast Tracks makes turnout assembly fixtures in code 55 and code 70 for #6 and #8 turnouts. They are quite easy to use and make good turnouts.
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Last Modified: November 11, 2021. Copyright 2011-2022 W.R.Dixon.
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